
Word patterns are enclosed in single quotes (') and are represented using a regex. Non-capitalized words are variables. Constants are still capitalized.


  • dstack: ( w addr -- )
  • pattern: '^ ([^ ]*)(?: |$)'
  • Writes w to the address addr.


  • dstack: ( w -- )
  • pattern: '^ ([^ ]*)(?: |$)'
  • Writes w to the variable token specified in the pattern.
  • Can be used to set the body address for many words, but not all.


  • dstack: ( a b -- a&b )


  • dstack: ( -- xt )
  • pattern: '^ ([^ ]*)(?: |$)'
  • Places the execution token of the word found on the stack or calls ABORT".


  • pattern: '^ ([^ ]*)\)'
  • Ignores everything up until the next ')'.


  • pattern: '^ ([^ ]*)(?: |$)'
  • Consumes a word and compiles it into the current definition.
  • Skips the word currently being written when searching for words so the word can reference previous definitions.


  • pattern: '^ ([^ ]*)(?: |$)'
  • Consumes a word and immediately executes it.


  • dstack: ( a b -- a+b )


  • dstack: ( a -- a+b )
  • Attempt to parse a number b using NUMBER and create an immediate add using it.


  • dstack: ( a -- a+1 )


  • dstack: ( w -- )
  • Writes a single processor word to the data space of the most recently created word.


  • dstack: ( a b -- a-b )


  • dstack: ( a -- a-b )
  • Attempt to parse a number b using NUMBER and create an immediate subtract using it.


  • dstack: ( a -- a-1 )


  • dstack: ( w -- )
  • Print a signed number w using the base specified in BASE.


  • Compile-time pattern: '^ ([^ ]*)"'
  • Prints out the string pattern.


  • dstack: ( w -- )
  • Print an unsigned number w using the base specified in BASE.


  • Compile-time pattern: '^ ([^ ]*)(?: |$)'
  • Updates hered_start with the current hered.
  • Creates a new unfinished word entry in the dictionary with the name matched by the capture group in the pattern.
  • Enters compilation mode.
  • Resets tail call variables.


  • dstack: ( -- xt )
  • Makes a new anonymous word.
  • Places the execution token of this anonymous word on the stack.
  • Updates hered_start with the current hered.
  • Creates a new unfinished word entry in the dictionary with the name matched by the capture group in the pattern.
  • Enters compilation mode.
  • Resets tail call variables.


  • Finish the definition of this word, perform a tail-call optimization if possible, and if not insert an EXIT.


  • dstack: ( addr -- w )
  • Reads w from the address addr.


  • dstack: ( -- w )
  • Compile-time pattern: '^ ([^ ]*)(?: |$)'
  • Reads w from the variable token specified in the pattern.
  • Can also be used to find the address of the body of many tokens.


  • Enter into run mode.


  • pattern: '^ ([^ ]*)$'
  • Ignores everything else on the line.


  • Enter into compilation mode.


  • dstack: ( a b -- a^b )


  • dstack: ( a b -- a|b )


  • dstack: ( a -- ~a )


  • dstack: ( w -- w*2 )


  • dstack: ( w -- w/2 )


  • pattern: '^ ([^ ]*)"'
  • Compiles the specified message into the current word and prints it along with executing QUIT.


  • dstack: ( w -- u )
  • Finds the absolute value of w.


  • dstack: ( w -- )
  • Allocates, but does not initialize, w total processor words to the data space of the most recently created word.


  • Contains the base that numbers should be interpreted with using NUMBER.


  • dstack: ( -- ' ' )
  • Adds the character for space/blank to the stack.


  • Breaks out of a loop.


  • dstack: ( -- '\b' )
  • Adds the character for backspace to the stack.


  • dstack: ( pa -- )
  • Calls the program address pa on the stack.


  • dstack: ( ins -- )
  • Updates the various tail words to indicate the new tail call instruction to be optimized if ; is encountered.


  • dstack: ( xt -- )
  • Adds a call to the execution token xt directly into the current word.


  • Continues a loop on the next iteration from the beginning.


  • dstack: ( w .. - w .. w )
  • Aquires the next number using NUMBER and compiles an immediate stack copy to the top from a specific depth.


  • Compile-time pattern: '^ ([^ ]*)(?: |$)'
  • Creates a new word entry with the name given by the pattern.
  • Resets tail call variables.


  • Compile-time pattern: '^ ([^ ]*)(?: |$)'
  • Creates a new word entry with the name given by the pattern.
  • Does not add LOADDS automatically, so this can be used for optimization.
  • Resets tail call variables.


  • dstack: ( ins -- )
  • Adds an instruction to the word currently being built.


  • Compile a combination of code and data to a new word up until a ;.
  • Unlike other FORTHs, this doesn't provide the data space pointer, and simply calls POSTPONE on everything until ;.
    • If the pointer is needed, it should be provided by adding it into the data space of the executing word.


  • dstack: ( w -- )


  • The alternate case of an IF statement.


  • dstack: ( c -- )
  • Print the character c on the terminal.
    • This can control the terminal using the backspace and newline characters.


  • Returns from the current word.


  • dstack: ( w -- )
  • Compile-time dstack: ( -- addr )
    • Pushes the address where the address of the last instruction needs to be added.
  • Takes a number of times to iterate and iterates that many times.


  • Compile-time dstack: ( -- addr )
    • Pushes the address where the address of the last instruction needs to be added.
  • Begins a loop which loops forever.


  • pattern: '^ ([^ ]*)(?: |$)'
  • Forgets everything after and including the specified word.


  • dstack: ( -- addr )
  • Get the address of the current data space location.
  • This is compiled immediately into the definition and therefore does not affect the address.


  • dstack: ( hered -- )
  • Stores the data space post-increment stack pointer.


  • dstack: ( -- hered )
  • Reads the data space post-increment stack pointer.


  • Contains the beginning of the current definition's hered.
  • This is used to track how many things are in the current definition's data space.


  • dstack: ( herep -- )
  • Stores the program memory post-increment stack pointer.


  • dstack: ( -- herep )
  • Reads the program memory post-increment stack pointer.


  • dstack: ( hereb -- )
  • Stores the address of the dictionary head/beginning (the xt of the most recent word).


  • dstack: ( -- hereb )
  • Gets the address of the dictionary head/beginning (the xt of the most recent word).


  • dstack: ( -- i )
  • Gets inner loop iterator.


  • dstack: ( a b -- )
  • Goes to ELSE or THEN if there is none if the condition is not met.


  • dstack: ( a b -- )
  • Goes to ELSE or THEN if there is none if the condition is not met.


  • dstack: ( a b -- )
  • Goes to ELSE or THEN if there is none if the condition is not met.


  • dstack: ( a b -- )
  • Goes to ELSE or THEN if there is none if the condition is not met.


  • dstack: ( a b -- )
  • Goes to ELSE or THEN if there is none if the condition is not met.
  • Performs an unsigned comparison.


  • dstack: ( a b -- )
  • Goes to ELSE or THEN if there is none if the condition is not met.
  • Performs an unsigned comparison.


  • dstack: ( a b -- )
  • Goes to ELSE or THEN if there is none if the condition is not met.
  • Checks for carry bit status.


  • dstack: ( a b -- )
  • Goes to ELSE or THEN if there is none if the condition is not met.
  • Checks for carry bit status.


  • dstack: ( a b -- )
  • Goes to ELSE or THEN if there is none if the condition is not met.
  • Checks for overflow bit status.


  • dstack: ( a b -- )
  • Goes to ELSE or THEN if there is none if the condition is not met.
  • Checks for overflow bit status.


  • dstack: ( a b -- )
  • Goes to ELSE or THEN if there is none if the condition is not met.
  • Checks for interrupt bit status, which clears it if it was set.


  • dstack: ( a b -- )
  • Goes to ELSE or THEN if there is none if the condition is not met.
  • Checks for interrupt bit status, which clears it if it was set.


  • Interprets whatever is at the TIB, processing each word using shell_xt until all words are consumed.


  • dstack: ( -- j )
  • Gets second most inner loop iterator.


  • dstack: ( -- k )
  • Gets third most inner loop iterator.


  • dstack: ( -- c )
  • Retrieves a key from the input device.


  • dstack: ( -- l )
  • Gets fourth most inner loop iterator.


  • dstack: ( -- w )
  • Compile-time dstack: ( w -- )


  • dstack: ( -- w )
  • Load an immediate word from the data space.


  • dstack: ( addr -- )
  • Loads the data space address addr.
  • This is compiled to any word which uses its data space immediately when it is required (many words may not).


  • Compile-time dstack: ( addr -- )
    • Places the address of the instruction before this at the address addr.
  • Ends a loop definition.


  • dstack: ( -- '\n' )
  • Adds the character for newline to the stack.


  • dstack: ( -- w )
  • Reads a number from the PP with the proper base from base.


  • Compile-time pattern: '^ ([^ ]*)(?: |$)'
  • Finds a word and compiles in the ability for the current word to add that word to the definition of another word appropriately when it is ran.
  • This is called repeatedly on all words after a DOES> up until the ;, thus it provides the same behavior.


  • dstack: ( pp -- )
  • Stores the pointer to the location of the input processing position.


  • dstack: ( -- pp )
  • Provides the pointer to the location of the input processing position.


  • This is called at the beginning of the program and when any fault occurs.
  • This resets everything in the processor and returns control to the shell.


  • dstack: ( w -- )
  • Places w on the r-stack.


  • dstack: ( -- w )
  • Takes w from the r-stack.


  • Reveals and finishes the most recent word, also performing tail-call optimization on it.


  • dstack: ( w .. - .. w )
  • Aquires the next number using NUMBER and compiles an immediate stack rotate to the top from a specific depth.


  • dstack: ( -- str )
  • Compile-time pattern: '^ ([^ ]*)"'
  • Puts the string specified at compile-time onto the stack.


  • dstack: ( c -- addr )
  • Scans from PP out until the character c is found, then returning the address of c.


  • dstack: ( .. -- .. )
  • Executes the word currently being compiled, allowing for recursion of itself.
    • This can create a data race if the word performs an immediate write of a variable in its own data space.
      • This can/may be intentional.


  • Contains the xt which is used by INTERPRET for determining what to do with words.


  • Sets the carry bit to 1 if the compiler is in compilation state. Any user-defined states will appear as 0.


  • Contains the program address off the tail call.
  • If this is 0, no replacement happens.


  • Contains the instruction (properly shifted to the correct processor word position) to replace at the tail address.


  • The end of an IF statement.


  • dstack: ( -- tib )
  • Adds the address of the terminal input buffer to the stack.


  • dstack: ( str -- )
  • Takes a string address from the stack and sends/prints it to the terminal device.
    • Control characters may interface with the terminal.


  • Removes the most recent word from the dictionary.
  • This is used automatically when an issue occurs when attempting to compile a word.


  • dstack: ( c -- str )
  • Compile-time pattern: '^ ([^ ]*)(?: |$)'
  • Takes a character delimiter and places a string at hered from the input, then returns the address of the string.


  • dstack: ( xt -- addr )
  • Consumes an execution token and produces the data space address of the program.
    • If the word has no data space, this will return 0.


  • dstack: ( xt -- .. )
  • Executes an execution token. This is not an efficient method of executing and it is recommended to compile execution directly into any word, which will optimize the call appropriately.
  • Sets DC0 to the xt and does a jumpi.
    • If only one value is consumed by the word, it can use it immediately instead of loading a new DC0.


  • dstack: ( xt -- str )
  • Consumes an execution token and produces the address to the name of the xt in UFORTH string format.


  • dstack: ( xt -- pa )
  • Consumes an execution token and produces a program address which can be called or jumped to.
    • If this token has no program this will return 0.