UARC Instructions




intien enables interrupts in the ifile only for buses which are presently selected.

Side Effects

  • All selected buses now have interrupts enabled.
  • All non-selected buses now have interrupts disabled.




intrecv accepts any interrupt synchronously without an interrupt handler from any selected bus. The bus ID (bus) and the interrupt value (v) are added to the conveyor in that order.

Side Effects

  • cv <- bus, v
  • Synchronizes execution with the next interrupt from a selected bus
  • Until this receives an interrupt, unselected buses cannot interrupt at all




kill causes every single core connected to every selected bus and every single one of their children to stop before the instruction completes. This instruction takes 2 * n cycles, where n is the depth of the longest chain of incepted cores. This will not succeed unless the core has permission over the target cores. If the target does not have the proper permission, it will report success without doing anything.

Side Effects

  • All selected cores for which this core has permission will be stopped before this instruction finishes.




intwait allows the code to synchronously handle interrupts by waiting the core until the next interrupt. If an interrupt had already been received, the i will already be 1, thus this will immediately continue.

Side Effects

  • Synchronizes with the first received interrupt or continues if i is already set.
  • i is cleared by this instruction to indicate that the interrupt is known to be handled.


b -- perm


getbp places the permission of bus b onto the stack.


b -- addr


getba places the address of bus b onto the stack. If the AND of addr with this core's permission is equal to this core's address with the permission then this core has privilege over the core on this bus.


n a --


recv receives a stream from any selected UARC bus. a is the address at which up to n words are to be streamed to. The bus ID of the core that streamed to this core is placed on the conveyor.

Side Effects

  • Execution is synchronized with the completion of the stream operation.
  • cv <- bus


n a --


send sends a stream to all selected UARC buses. n is the number of words able to be streamed out and a is the address at which those words are to be streamed from.

Side Effects

  • Execution is synchronized with the completion of the stream operation.


n a --


incept sends a stream to all selected UARC buses. n is the number of words able to be streamed out and a is the address at which those words are to be streamed from. This will only work on a core which is not presently running or the core has permission over the core and the stream will become the instructions to be executed by the target core. By incepting cores again, the system can maintain permission over cores allocated on a chip for a process and prevent those cores from incepting cores they aren't supposed to. If a chip is to be given up by the system to a process, the system can incept all cores with the permission of the process and run an idle routine.

Side Effects

  • Execution is synchronized with the completion of the stream operation.


m s --


set clears all buses from being selected and then sets a specific set of UARC buses to be selected. m is a mask for which cores to enable using an OR operation and s is a selector to choose which register to apply the mask to.

Side Effects

  • Specific UARC buses are now selected and all others are unselected.


m s --


sel selects a specific set of UARC buses. m is a mask for which cores to enable using an OR operation and s is a selector to choose which register to apply the mask to.

Side Effects

  • Specific UARC buses are now added to the selection.


perm addr --


setpa sets the permission that is to be delegated to all incepted UARC cores. This value defaults to the same permission and address that this core receives on inception. This instruction will only OR the bits of this core's permission with perm, so it can only restrict the permission. Any bits from this core's address which are masked by the permission will be automatically set the same in the delegation address, while the only bits that will be changed are the ones in addr masked by the inverse of the permission.

Side Effects

  • All cores incepted after this instruction is executed will have the set permission and address.


v b --


expect sends the value v to bus b and expects a response. This instruction does not complete until v is received. A location is allocated on the conveyor for the response of the target core. When the conveyor location is accessed, it will synchronize with the interrupt sent back on bus b. This can be used to efficiently implement coprocessors, even at the software level from another u0-x. This instruction can receive the value and handle the interrupt asynchronously while in an interrupt handler.

This can be used for all multi-cycle operations, such as square root, multiply, divide, floating point operations, external memory operations, etc. It is expected that multiply is provided over at least one bus in this way.

Side Effects

  • Bus b is sent v.
  • Execution is synchronized with the completion of sending v.
  • cv <- response


n a --


sendp sends a stream to all selected UARC buses. n is the number of words able to be streamed out and a is the address at which those words are to be streamed from. This streams from program memory one processor word at a time.

Side Effects

  • Execution is synchronized with the completion of the stream operation.


n a --


inceptp sends a stream to all selected UARC buses. n is the number of words able to be streamed out and a is the address at which those words are to be streamed from program memory. This will only work on a core which is not presently running or the core has permission over the core and the stream will become the instructions to be executed by the target core. By incepting cores again, the system can maintain permission over cores allocated on a chip for a process and prevent those cores from incepting cores they aren't supposed to. If a chip is to be given up by the system to a process, the system can incept all cores with the permission of the process and run an idle routine.

Side Effects

  • Execution is synchronized with the completion of the stream operation.


-- perm


getp places the permission of the current core on the stack. This value is a mask of the address. The core cannot delegate a permission on a child core which has any bits unset from its own permission. Any delegated address must have the same address bits which are masked by the delegating core's permission.


-- addr


geta places the address of the current core on the stack. This value is 32 bits and will be placed in the least significant bits of the word. The bits of the address masked by the permission must be the same in all child cores.


  • This instruction is supported for u0-32 and up.


p --


intset sets the interrupt address of all selected buses to p.

Side Effects

  • Any further interrupts on the selected UARC buses now call the routine at p.


b --


seb sets the only UARC bus to be selected as b.

Side Effects

  • All UARC calls now affect only b.


b --


slb adds the UARC bus b to the selected cores.

Side Effects

  • All UARC calls now also affect b.


b --


usb removes the UARC bus b from the selected cores.

Side Effects

  • All UARC calls no longer affect b.


v --


intsend sends a value to all selected UARC buses, and waits for all buses to accept the interrupt before continuing.

Side Effects

  • Execution is synchronized with the acceptance of all interrupts sent.